Wednesday 7 October 2015

Bone Grafting

In certain bone ailments such as severe fracture or damage to the bone only fixation of implants are not sufficient. Bone Grafting is one of the surgical treatment that is applied in such cases to carry on the artificial bone development. Mewar Hospital specializes in the surgical procedure of Bone Grafting. Our expert team of orthopedic surgeons at Mewar Hospital, the largest chain of orthopedic hospitals, can carry out the procedure if required for the seriously injured patients.

What is Bone Grafting?

Bone Grafting involves a surgical procedure to fix the ailments related to bones and joints. It involves transplanting bone tissue for fixing bones, joints etc. around the implant devices or in cases of total knee replacement. The bone used for grafting can be taken from the patient’s body or from some donor. After the acceptance of the graft the new bone tissues start forming. The two types of bone graft methods are:

Allograft – Here the bone is taken from the deceased donor or a dead patient.

Autograft – Here the graft is made from a bone inside a patient’s body, such as the ribs or hips. The type of graft used depends on the type of injury or the surgeon treating the patient.

When Bone Grafting is Applied?

Bone grafting is done for various reasons and these are as follows:

Fractures: For multiple or complex fractures bone graft is applied that cannot be healed using normal treatment.

Fusion: This process helps in healing two bones together across a diseased joint.

Regeneration: It is used for bone that is lost due to disease, infection or injury. This involves using small amount in bone cavities or large section of bones.

Implanted Devices: Bone graft can be helpful in healing where implants devices have been implied surgically.

The Risks Involved in Bone Grafting

The surgical process of bone grafting involves certain minor risks. These could be:

  • Pain
  • Nerve Injury
  • Rejection of the Bone Graft
  • Inflammation

Preparing for the Bone Grafting : 

Before performing the surgery, the doctor will perform a complete medical history and physical examination to ensure that it is safe to perform the bone grafting. In most cases the patients are required to fast prior to the surgery to prevent any kind of complications. Our surgeons will give the complete instructions about the pre procedures to be incorporated before surgery.

Bone Grafting Procedure :

Our surgeons will decide the type of bone graft to be performed. Shortly before the operation a general anesthesia will be given to the patient. The anesthesiologist will be monitor the patient continuously and his recovery. Our surgeon will make the incision where graft is required to be made. Using varied devices the graft will be held in place. After that the incision will be closed with stitches and bandages.

Precautions After Bone Grafting : 

Typical recovery of the bone grafting depends on the size of the graft and other variables. Usually it takes from two weeks to three months. Vigorous exercise affecting the muscles of graft area must be avoided. To prevent pain and inflammation after the surgery icing can help. The muscles group not affected by the surgery should be exercised to keep the body in good shape. A healthy diet will also help in catalyzing fast recovery. Research show that smoking causes failures in recovering the bone graft hence it should be avoided.


1 comment:

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